Trwy y niwl a'r tew gymylau

(Bore tawel)
Trwy y niwl a'r tew gymylau
  Gwelaf draw yr hyfryd wlad,
Nes yw'm ffydd yn llefain allan,
  Dacw ddedwydd dŷ fy Nhad!
    Dyma ddigon
  I mi lwyr anghofio 'ngwae.

Ni bydd yno gofio beiau,
  Dim ond llawn faddeuant rhad;
Cofio'r groes,
        a grym y cariad,
  A rhinweddau maith y gwaed.
    Darfu ofni -
  Daeth llawenydd yn ei le.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [878747]:
Ardudwy (John Roberts 1822-77)
Argoed (John Gabriel 1844-1913)

  Dechrau canu dechrau canmol
  (F')enaid egwan paid ag ofni ('Dyw d'elynion ...)
  Nid oes yno gofio beiau
  Rhwng cymylau duon tywyll
  Tyred hyfryd foreu tawel
  Wele'n dyfod ar y cwmwl (Mawr yw'r enw ...)

(A quiet morning)
Through the fog and the thick clouds
  I see yonder the delightful land,
Until my faith cries out,
  There is my Father's happy house!
    Here is sufficient
  For me completely to forget my woe.

No remembering of faults shall be there,
  Only full, free forgiveness;
Remembering the cross,
      and the strength of the love,
  And the vast merits of the blood.
    Fearing vanished -
  Joy came in its place.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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